The Wide Range Of Services Offered By Personal Injury Attorneys In VA

Have you been injured in a car accident, medical malpractice incident, as the result of a defective product or dangerous drug, or in a similar situation? Was your injury the result of another party’s neglect or willful action and did it take place in Virginia? If so, you deserve compensation to help pay for medical bills, lost wages from not being able to go to work, and to help assuage your pain and suffering. Unfortunately, getting this compensation on your own is often difficult or downright impossible. That’s why you need the services of a reputable personal injury attorney like those at Commonwealth Law Group.
Here is what you need to know about the many services offered by a personal injury attorney in VA.
Scheduling Medical Treatment
If you have not yet received medical treatment for the injuries you received in your accident or other incident, a personal injury attorney in VA at Commonwealth Law Group can help arrange that for you. Even if you did receive immediate medical care, you may need ongoing treatment that your attorney can assist you with. It’s important to keep in mind that, even if you don’t feel you’ve been injured badly in an accident, you should seek medical care. Some injuries do not show up for hours, days, or even weeks after an accident and you will need confirmation from a medical professional for your attorney to use when filing your claim.
Gathering Evidence
Whether your attorney files a claim or files a lawsuit on your behalf, he or she will need evidence to prove you were not at fault in your accident and that another party is responsible for your injuries. To do this, he or she will need to gather evidence such as photos or videos, eyewitness testimonials, or medical and police records. Your attorney will have the connections and knowledge needed to get the right evidence to back up your case or claim.
Negotiating with Insurance Agencies
In the vast majority of personal injury cases, the claim will be settled out of court and by the insurance agencies involved. Because of this, your attorney needs to be skilled at negotiating with insurance agents, providing them with the evidence and other information they need, and understanding what a fair settlement is for your type of incident and injuries.
Representing You in Court
In the unlikely event that your case goes to court, your personal injury attorney in VA will be able to expertly represent you and give evidence to the judge and/or jury to help ensure you get a verdict in your favor.
Choosing the Right Personal Injury Attorney in VA
Not sure what attorney you should hire to perform these services for you after an accident or other injury? Consider asking around for referrals, reading online reviews of personal injury attorneys in the area, and doing more research on the attorneys’ websites. You can then request a free consultation to chat with an attorney in person or over the phone so you can tell them about your case, learn more about their communication style, and see which attorney you feel the most confident hiring.